Citation - Boston Gazette: 1763.03.14

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Index Entry Grub street bard is hen coop'd twice sev'n days, A [fl] 
Location Boston 
14 Mar 1763:11 (415)
Most noble Festus, I am not mad, but speak the words of
truth; and when I have clear'd the stage of a [litterary]
rubbistx of thine own making, it shall be found that I can
also speak those of soberness.
A grub street bard is hen coop'd twice sev'n days;
The fifteenth thro' an Ev'ning Post displays, 
The crawling maggots on his muddy brain, 
So dull ev'n Benefactors are in pain.
. . . [58 more lines, 1 2/3d col. more]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1763.03.14 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0005875
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